Lavani Folk Dance of Maharashtra

Lavani is a musical discussion. Lavani is a combination of traditional song and dance, which particulary performed to the enchanting beats of 'Dholak', an drum like instrument. Dance performed by attractive women wearing nine-yard saris. They are sung in a quick tempo.
In most of the songs, meaningless chants are introduced to fill up the gaps between the lines. The Bhils always sing in groups. Dancing is inseparable from their music.
The music of the folk-drama called Maanch has a texture of its own. The beauty of the Maanch, often reveals in its musical dialogues, recited to the accompaniment of drums.
The folk musical modes of Malwa are very much suited to different occasions. The music of the songs sung at the time of sacrifice or rituals in remote villages gives rise to an awe, while tunes of the Jhoola songs clearly convey the swinging motion. The performance lasts a whole night and groups of singers treat the crowd to great entertainment by their fluency of thought and speech. At the end of the Lavani performance, a replica of Manmathas mount is burnt.
The word Lavani originates from "Lavanya", meaning beauty. Earlier, this art form dealt with different and varied subject matters such as society, religion, politics, romance, etc. Lavani was used as a form of entertainment and morale booster to the tired soldiers.